giovedì 19 dicembre 2019

Christmas celebrations

Celebrations in the church of St. Maria Draperis over Christmas:

  • Tuesday 24 December, 8.00 pm Mass for Vigil of Christmas 
  • Wednesday 25 December, 11.15 am and 5.00 pm Christmas Masses
  • Wednesday 1st January, 11.15 am and 5.00 pm Mass for the Solemnity of Maria SS. Mother of God
  • Monday 6 January, 8.00 and 18.30 Mass for the Epiphany holiday

Lorenzo Monaco, L'Adorazione dei Magi, tempera su tavola
(115×183 cm), datata 1420-1422, Uffizi di Firenze.

With the occasion, I wish you and your families a Holy Christmas!