venerdì 24 aprile 2020

Message for the month of Ramadan 2020

To our Muslim brothers and sisters throughout the world:

As-salaamu ‘alaykum! Peace be with you!

On behalf of the Special Commission for Dialogue with Islam of the Order of Friars Minor, it gives me great pleasure once again to extend our greetings to you as you celebrate of the holy month of Ramadan.

This year our letter comes to you at a time when together we are experiencing great sadness and struggle in the world as we remember the many people of all faiths who have succumbed to the COVID-19 virus over the past few months, and the many more who are suffering illness even now. We pray with you for those who have died – may Allah have mercy on them – for those who mourn their passing, and for the health and wellbeing of all people.

domenica 12 aprile 2020

Domenica Di Pasqua - Dimanche De Pâques - Paskalya Günü Pazar - Easter Sunday

Resurrezione, Gesù Cristo tirando Adamo ed Eva dal loro bare all'inferno, Parekklesion,
Chiesa di Chora (Kariye Muzee) a Istanbul, Turchia.

St. Maria Draperis - ZOOM meetings

DOMENICA DI PASQUA 12 aprile Messa alle 11.15

DIMANCHE DE PÂQUES 12 Avril Messes à 11h15

EASTER SUNDAY 12 April Mass at 11.15

PASKALYA GÜNÜ PAZAR 12 Nisan Saat 11.15’de Ayin.


sabato 11 aprile 2020

Sabato Santo - Samedi Saint - Holy Saturday - Kutsal Cumartesi̇

St. Maria Draperis - ZOOM meetings

SABATO SANTO 11 aprile Veglia pasquale alle 20.00

SAMEDI SAINT 11 Avril Veillée pascale à 20h00

HOLY SATURDAY 11 April Easter vigil at 20.00

KUTSAL CUMARTESİ 11 Nisan Saat 20’de Paskalya arifesi ayini


venerdì 10 aprile 2020

giovedì 9 aprile 2020

Kutsal Perşembe - Giovedí Santo - Jeudi Saint - Holy Thursday

ZOOM meetings

GIOVEDÍ SANTO 9 aprile Celebrazione eucaristica alle 18.00
(Orario di Istanbul)

JEUDI SAINT 9 Avril Célébration eucharistique à 18h00 
(Heure d'Istanbul)

HOLY THURSDAY 9 April Eucharistic celebration at 18.00
(İstanbul time)

KUTSAL PERŞEMBE 9 Nisan Saat 18’da Son Akşam Yemeğinin anısına yapılan ayin
(İstanbul saat dilimi)


mercoledì 8 aprile 2020

Holy week celebrations

St. Maria Draperis - ZOOM meetings

I prossimi appuntamenti durante la Settimana Santa:
(Orario di Istanbul)
GIOVEDÍ SANTO 9 aprile celebrazione eucaristica alle 18.00
VENERDÍ SANTO 10 aprile ufficio della passione alle 19.00
SABATO SANTO 11 aprile veglia pasquale alle 20.00
DOMENICA DI PASQUA 12 aprile messa alle 11.15

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Calendrier des principaux événements pour la période 
de la Semaine Sainte:
(Heure d'Istanbul)
JEUDI SAINT 9 Avril Célébration eucharistique à 18h00 
VENDREDI SAINT 10 Avril liturgie de la Passion à 19h00
SAMEDI SAINT 11 Avril Veillée pascale à 20h00
DIMANCHE DE PÂQUES 12 Avril Messes à 11h15

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The upcoming events during Holy Week:
(İstanbul time)
HOLY THURSDAY 9 April Eucharistic celebration at 18.00
HOLY FRIDAY, 10 April passion office at 19.00
HOLY SATURDAY 11 April Easter vigil at 20.00
EASTER SUNDAY 12 April Mass at 11.15

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Büyük hafta ile ilgili ayin programı:
(İstanbul saat dilimi)
KUTSAL PERŞEMBE 9 Nisan saat 18’da Son Akşam Yemeğinin anısına yapılan ayin
KUTSAL CUMA 10 Nisan Saat 19’da kutsal ayin
KUTSAL CUMARTESİ 11 Nisan Saat 20’de Paskalya arifesi ayini
PASKALYA GÜNÜ PAZAR 12 Nisan Saat 11.15’de ayin.

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Philippine church bells to peal on April 8

The Church in the Philippines is adhering to the call by the government to ring church bells across the country simultaneously to mark the start of a televised inter-faith prayer service on Wednesday, April 8, against the COVID-19 pandemic.